Q&A with Randy Blythe (Lamb of God)
There’s scheduled time for participants to have one-on-ones with band members throughout the tour.

Wendy Day + Greta Brinkman
After load-in, industry experts spend time with participants sharing lessons, stories, and advice from their own careers.

Group Reflections (unscripted)
“I found myself sharing the state of my knees, wounded hands, and more as I struggled to stay on top of the workload. I honestly shared my triumphs too - the whole process of being on the road creates intimacy and honesty that enhances how valuable the whole thing is to all of us.” - Martin Atkins (TSBE founder and mentor on group reflection sessions)

Private Tour of Church Studios in Tulsa, OK
Teresa Knox, owner-developer of the Church Studio, takes questions as she delivers an in-depth and inspirational history of the historic studio, Shelter Records.
On cross-over days, (when one group leaves the tour and another joins) we have a meet up. Who’s coming and who’s going? Can you tell?

Curse Mackey (Pigface, vocals)
Curse Mackey shares stories from the road, from his time at Dean Guitars, Woodstock, and more.Not only is Curse a talented musician, he’s held many positions on the industry side as well, specializing in sponsorships and event production.

Last Show. Best Show
Quick group photo backstage before the last show of Fall 2019.

Iconic Cain's Ballroom
With some downtime in Tulsa, participants went on a private tour of the legendary Cain’s Ballroom.

Gaelynn Lea on Accessibility
Gaelynn brought awareness to participants about the importance of accessibility in live entertainment and just how much more work there is to do in this area.

Private Tours
In select cities, participants get exclusive access to local industry professionals and venues. Here, students get a private tour of the legendary Cain’s Ballroom in Tulsa, OK.

Class is in session
Pop-up classes take place in the front lounge of the bus with the tour manager and other guest speakers.

Backstage tour of BOK Center
Trevor Chesler, Booking and Marketing Coordinator of the BOK center in Tulsa gives students an all-access tour of the venue and answers questions about how he got started in his career.

On the road, a seated meal is a luxury. In these rare moments, we share victories both small and large, challenges, and build morale within the group.

“In Kansas City, while talking with Gaelynn Lea my eyes were really opened to a lot of discrimination in the music business involving accessibility and made me want to evoke changes at my school's concert committee when I got home.” - Sammy Daugherty (fall 2019 participant”