Meaningful Impact
The merch person will the first person to set up and the last person to tear down. In the merch hub, students work alongside the merchandise manager assisting with load-in, set up, selling, and tear down.

There is no try. Only do.
At the end of the tour, students are put to the test - they run the merch booth solo for one night.

Real-life Application
“I'm definitely going to apply some of the merch booth strategies I learned to my own band when I get home.” - fall 2019 participant

Build Communication Skills
“I worked the merch booth on the last day in Dallas. On day one I was reserved and quiet at the merch booth. On the last day, in Dallas, I was able to work the merch booth very well and communicate with customers.
I have anxiety issues and I often have trouble communicating and solving problems on my own but over the course of the five days in the program, I was able really to hone my problem-solving abilities and communicate more effectively.” - fall 2019 participant